Transition to a More Efficient Clean Energy Supply Chain

By admin| 2 Min Read | July 20, 2023

By 3R Building Sustainability

The clean energy sector and the clean energy transition are in a state of constant development as technology innovations continue to expand. It can be overwhelming to keep up with the changing state of innovations, terms, regulations, and best practices around clean energy in an information heavy environment and our modern, complex, and media driven society. The best way to get started understanding the nuances of the clean energy supply chain and what this means for your organization is to keep up with news articles and research to understand important and relevant terms. In this first of many newsletters, we will present a handful of articles and informational papers that relate to the clean energy economy and set the stage for what it means to transition to a more efficient clean energy supply chain. The goal is to keep small and medium manufacturers in the region up to date with current advancements as well as set a baseline for understanding what factors are involved (many of which you may already understand or be keeping track of) to eventually move towards energy efficiency and decarbonization.

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Ohio River Valley Institute, A Clean Energy Pathway for Southwestern Pennsylvania