PA DEP: Technical and Financial Support for Companies
Samantha Harmon, Small Business Ombudsman Office, PA DEP speaks about resources, loan, and grant opportunities for manufacturers across Pennsylvania through the Small Business Ombudsman Office. The Small Business Ombudsman Office serves as the primary advocate for small businesses within the Department of Environmental Protection. Small business owners with a question or issue with DEP can request assistance from the Ombudsman to voice their concerns and interests with the Department. This video will walk you through several opportunities for funding through the PA DEP that are available to small businesses across all sectors to help fund projects to improve energy efficiency or reduce pollution from your business. These programs include the Small Business Advantage Grant Program and the Pollution Prevention Assistance Account Loan Program, which are administered through the Small Business Ombudsman Office. The presentation will also provide information about other available grant programs available through other DEP programs, as well as general information on the grant/loan/rebate application process.