Clean Energy Manufacturing Engagement Request for Quote
The Clean Energy Manufacturing in Appalachia is requesting a quote from qualified firms or individuals to engage stakeholders in the clean energy value chain, identify energy supply chain opportunities, conduct emissions reduction assessments, and promote decarbonization and clean factory strategies. The awardee(s) of this contract will act as a clean energy engagement professional(s) providing outreach and assistance to manufacturing companies seeking opportunities within the energy industry as part of our Clean Energy Manufacturing in Appalachia (CEMA) program. This effort is to be used by Catalyst Connection and partners as a deliverable to their grantor, the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) ARISE Grant as part of the Manufacturing the New Energy Economy in Appalachia Initiative.
Quotes may be submitted between 8:00 am EST on 12/11/23 through 4:00 pm EST on 12/11/26. Send any questions or comments to Tom Reed, (412) 889-4224 or”